SBJSA and the Sodus Bay Yacht Club (SBYC) are adjacent neighbors on Sodus Bay. Back in 1956, a handful of visionary members of SBYC formed SBJSA as an educational corporation that would teach sailing and swimming to kids from both within and outside of our geographic region. With its 501c(3) tax free status, SBJSA’s operating income would also benefit from tax free donations and grants, and donor contributions would be tax deductible.
Although both organizations continue today as completely separate organizations with different missions, a small group of members from SBJSA and SBYC (known as the Joint Liaison Committee) work together each year to ensure that we maintain good, cooperative relations that benefit us both. This includes sharing race program equipment and boats, parking lots, land, restrooms and meeting space and also jointly hosting sailing events like the annual Centrals on Sodus Regatta.
Many members of the SBJSA Board of Directors are members of SBYC and over the years, some alumni of SBJSA’s youth sailing programs have become contributing members of SBYC.​
At SBJSA, we’re grateful for our relationship with SBYC and its members and encourage all families and members of SBJSA to visit our neighbors next door and consider membership in SBYC! We also hope SBYC members will send their kids to our summer camp, join our Community Boating program and support access for everyone to beautiful Sodus Bay!