Sailorships are partial or full scholarship opportunities to attend summer youth programming
A scholarship to provide funding to an individual for sailing instruction to experience the thrill of sailing while attending SBJSA
​Apply for SAILORSHIPS!​
Sailorships are provided for camp participation. Any camper or racer, age 6 to 18, whose family resides in Wayne County, and is in need of financial assistance is eligible to be awarded up to 2 weeks of camp. SBJSA awards as many Sailorships as possible; and occasionally partial scholarships are awarded to accommodate more campers. Sailorships will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Returning campers may also apply. All requests, names, and specific information on this application will be kept confidential.
The criteria for awarding the Sailorships are:
Sincere interest of the applicant
Wayne County resident
Financial need
SBJSA evaluation- we will contact you to review your application
How to Apply!
​Applications for the 2025 season are open. Please click the link to our summer youth program page to review our programs and click the link to register. The Sailorship application is integrated into our registration forms.
Please call Martha Lightfoot (585)-857-1961, or email info@sbjsa.org with any urgent questions.