​Through the generosity of our growing support base, Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association is pleased to offer sailorship opportunities for interested area children whose family’s financial circumstances make it difficult for them to attend camp and get out on Sodus Bay.
Donations are welcomed and encouraged, whether private or corporate funded, to support our sailorship program each year. We accept and are grateful for sailorship donations in all amounts.
Please send a check payable to Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association and mail it to: PO Box 117, Sodus Point, NY 14555. Please note “Sailorship
Donation” on the memo line of the check. If you wish to make a scholarship donation by credit card, please click on the “DONATE” button below.
Through your gracious giving, you will change the life of a child by providing an opportunity to develop friendships, build responsibility and character, learn to sail and experience the thrill of getting out on the water in a fun environment with other kids.
Thanks a million for your support!​