US Sailing Instructor Certifcation
Become a US Sailing Certified Instructor here on Sodus Bay!
​The Community Boating Center at SBJSA offers US Sailing (USSA) Instructor certification courses on an almost annual basis. In order for our instructors to be nationally certified and insured for sailing instruction, we require US Sailing Level 1 certification in order to be employed as a paid staff member. Because of our facilities and fleet, we often host the Level 1 certification course in our area, which is attended by many regional instructors and camp counselors and taught by a certified US Sailing Instructor-Trainor. The total course length is typically 3-4 days.
US Sailing is conducting the classroom portion of the course via virtual learning on their website and it’s available now for anyone that registered for a Level 1 course. The on-water portion must be completed within 1 year after the classroom portion is completed in order to receive Level 1 certification.
Go to the US Sailing website (ussa.org) to see the courses available and register on-line. The USSA website is the only way to register and pay for the course.