SBJSA can provide the resources and facilities to enhance traditional middle/high school curriculum offerings. Looking for opportunities to expand outside of the classroom for enrichment or specialized instruction? Consider the resources of Great Sodus Bay and the access to the water that SBJSA can provide. The SBJSA Community Boating Center will make its fleet, powerboats, and classrooms available for instructor/teacher led enrichment activities in the following areas:
· Environmental awareness
· Team building/sailing
· Boating safety
· STEM Education and enhancement
US Sailing (USSA), the governing body of competitive sailing in the United States, has developed an extensive curriculum to be used with middle/high school students to enhance traditional classroom activities with on the water education. SBJSA will work with educators to assist and train them to use the resources that are available on Sodus Bay.
Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Technology go beyond the textbook when activities move out of the classroom and out onto the water. SBJSA will work with regional science and technology educators to make this happen for your students. We can tailor the program to meet your needs and train your district personnel to teach STEM modules that have already been developed by USSA. Contact SBJSA for further details and scheduling opportunities.
Contact SBJSA info@sbjsa.org, for furthur details and scheduling opportunities.