On high ground overlooking Lake Ontario and the entrance to Sodus Bay, at 7606 Ontario St in the Village of Sodus Point, sits an historic and restored 1870 lighthouse.
Recently, SBJSA and the Sodus Bay Historical Society, which operates the Lighthouse Museum, have partnered together to help promote and support our organizations. We both share a love for Sodus Bay and encourage visitors to learn about the bay’s history as well as experience it first-hand, on the water in a boat!
When an SBJSA family or Community Boating member registers for an SBJSA program on our website, there is an opportunity to join the Sodus Bay Historical Society and become an annual “Friends” member for $40. This membership includes the following benefits: free admission for 2 adults (in the same household) and their children and grandchildren to the Lighthouse Museum all summer, 10% off merchandise purchased in the museum store (on-line or in-person), invitations to member-only events and a subscription to the membership magazine (“The Flash”), published twice each year.
We encourage all members in the SBJSA family to join the Sodus Bay Historical Society and support the Lighthouse Museum and all its wonderful programs, including their very popular summer concert series in July, August and September, museum tours, and free guest speaker presentations from May until mid-October. Before or after a wonderful afternoon concert or a museum tour at the Lighthouse, c’mon over to the SBJSA waterfront campus on Clover St and tour the Bay on a small sailboat or kayak! We’ll show you around and get you started.